22 Moms share the craziest Things that happened to their Bodies after giving Birth


As if labor itself isn’t the most intense thing your body’s ever endured (with the best payoffs — a baby!), there’s that bizarre stuff that happens after childbirth. With my first kid, I remember being shocked by how tender and leaky my boobs were — I desperately wished I could take them off — and freaked out … Read more about 22 Moms share the craziest Things that happened to their Bodies after giving Birth

Marijuana use could harm unborn Babies, Analysis finds

Marijuana use could harm unborn Babies, Analysis finds

As laws on marijuana use loosen up in various parts of the country, it’s becoming more socially acceptable to smoke or ingest the drug. But if you’re pregnant, you may want to think twice before smoking or vaporizing weed or using cannabis edibles. Although some moms-to-be swear that cannabis helps combat morning sickness, it may come … Read more about Marijuana use could harm unborn Babies, Analysis finds

Parties with a Purpose: How to give back on kids’ Birthdays

Parties with a Purpose How to give back on kids’ Birthdays

I don’t think we give kids enough credit. Sure, they love their games and toys and electronics. They don’t always like to share (I’m looking at you, 2-year olds!). But they can also have an empathy for other kids that we don’t recognize. I see it when we’re clearing out some of our toys here. I … Read more about Parties with a Purpose: How to give back on kids’ Birthdays

4 (Good) Ways infertility changes you forever

4 (good) ways infertility changes you forever

We don’t often think of the word “good” when we think of infertility. There is so much pain and heartache that comes with it, especially since it’s so often accompanied with loss. Somewhere along the journey, you change. You become a hardened version of yourself, perhaps more bitter and jaded by the struggle and unfairness … Read more about 4 (Good) Ways infertility changes you forever

6 Ways to deal with a negative Pregnancy Test (when you wanted a positive)

6 ways to deal with a negative pregnancy test (when you wanted a positive)

I honestly don’t know how many negative pregnancy tests I’ve had over the past three and a half years. I imagine I could figure it out if I dug deep enough, but who wants to go there? I’ve already dealt with the disappointment that comes with each of those negatives so there’s no need to … Read more about 6 Ways to deal with a negative Pregnancy Test (when you wanted a positive)

5 emotional Challenges all Fertility-challenged Women face

5 emotional Challenges all Fertility-challenged Women face

Fertility-challenged women like myself start out on the road to motherhood with one mission: to birth a baby. We enter this journey with a clear and (mostly) level head. But for those who don’t get pregnant on that first try, the road quickly morphs into so much more than a path to a baby. Infertility … Read more about 5 emotional Challenges all Fertility-challenged Women face

5 Things all infertile Women need to just stop

5 things all infertile women need to just stop

Infertility can make you feel straight-up crazy. The roller coaster of emotions is hard on even the toughest of cookies. But we get through it, right? That’s what we do as fertility warriors. And make no mistake about it: We are warriors. Reflecting on my most recent failed cycle, I got to thinking about some of the … Read more about 5 Things all infertile Women need to just stop