5 Baby Sleep Tactics – Teach your baby how to fall asleep and stay asleep

7 baby sleep mistakes most parents make (and how to fix them)

What the bestsellers say about how to put Baby to bed and get him to sleep through the night. How do you unlock the mystery of good childhood sleep habits and teach your baby how to fall asleep and stay asleep? There are several schools of thought. Here’s what today’s bestselling authors on the subject have to say. The Five S’s From The … Read more about 5 Baby Sleep Tactics – Teach your baby how to fall asleep and stay asleep

My teen has a strict early bedtime — new research suggests yours should, too

My teen has a strict early bedtime — new research suggests yours should, too

“Can I stay up a little longer?” my 16-year-old asks, as he surrenders his phone to our room for the night. “How long am I going to have a bedtime?” he whispers. That’s a really good question. How long am I going to force him to turn in at 10 PM? It’s a rule we instated as … Read more about My teen has a strict early bedtime — new research suggests yours should, too

How to get your baby to sleep: 12 hacks for tired parents

How to get your baby to sleep: 12 hacks for tired parents

Back when my little guy was 6 months old, I would have gladly loaned him out overnight to anyone who wanted him, except … nobody in their right mind would have. At an age when most babies were sleeping through the night, ours was up every three hours. You better believe my husband and I looked like … Read more about How to get your baby to sleep: 12 hacks for tired parents

#Askanexpert: how can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

#Askanexpert: how can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

Go to Sleep Early Many parents put their babies to sleep later thinking it will lead to waking up later, but actually the opposite is true. Between 7 pm and 8 pm is a good bedtime for your baby. Science says that extinction (putting your baby down while awake, leaving him in the room, letting him … Read more about #Askanexpert: how can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

Sweet dreams, baby! 10 things to know about infant sleep

Sweet dreams, baby! 10 things to know about infant sleep

We all enjoy a good night’s rest, but you don’t really think about how crucial every minute of it until parenthood hits you. When the baby comes along, sleep slowly becomes something that constantly crosses your mind. Having a better understanding of your little one’s sleep can be the key to being well-rested yourself. Here are answers to … Read more about Sweet dreams, baby! 10 things to know about infant sleep

Why are kids losing sleep?

Why are kids losing sleep?

If you worry that your child isn’t getting enough sleep, you are not alone. For years, organizations like the National Sleep Foundation have warned the kids are getting less sleep than they need, and the consequences could be serious. Poor sleep is linked with bad concentration, health problems, and trouble at school. But how badly … Read more about Why are kids losing sleep?